My latest arts and sciences project

I haven’t had much to say here lately and probably won’t be posting much for a while because I’ve been busy baking something very special, and it’s finally out of the oven:

Surprise! It’s a baby!

Fun aside: I made a truly absurd number of SCA clothes for him during the tail end of my pregnancy (I had to go on bedrest, I got really bored, it was a whole thing) so in theory at some point I’ll have cute pictures of him in garb :}

Author: eulalia

I'm a foodie, medievalist, crafter, and gardener living in beautiful Portland, Oregon.

5 thoughts on “My latest arts and sciences project”

  1. Yes, congratulations indeed.

    Hopefully, you made garb for him in enough different sizes that you won’t have to make more…for a little bit. Babies grow notoriously fast.

    On the other hand, when he does outgrow what you made, you can start a garb exchange for SCA little ones!


    1. Ha ha I made a whole array from newborn through toddler! I haven’t actually made it to any events with him, but it’s been fun to take cute photos.


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